

Tech & IP & Business

  • 홈
  • Tech & IP & Business
  • ICT Convergence

ICT Convergence

Electronics & IT Industry represented by PC, Digital TV, display panel, semi-conductor and wireless terminal is an industry like a network connecting to various industries mutually.
Electronics & IT Industry is developing as a system integrated with IT terminal manufacture, communication services, contents development and diverse software companies. Further, a new technology in Electronics & IT Industry is emerging, which has a big impact on lots of another industry such as biotechnology/medicine, precision machine/component materials, construction and environmental industry. Additionally, Electronics & IT Industry has Lock-in effect or Tipping effect and thus a strategy for earning fundamental technology, specialized technology and standard technology is crucial at an initial step of R&D in Electronics & IT Industry.


JIDAM IP LAW FIRM designates patent attorneys and professional experts specialized in Electronics & IT Industry, who have a deep insight and understanding of essential factors of Electronics & IT Industry applicable to various industries and thereby support to create and protect patents in lots of companies and laboratories including from a venture to a big company. Additionally, JIDAM IP LAW FIRM provides business advisory for creating a new market in a variety of industries based on ICT technology.

Patent Attorney KIM, Jae Heung PARTNER
Practice Area

IT ICT / IP Corporate advisory


Patent Attorney JUNG, Dong Kyun PARTNER
Practice Area

Electrical-Electronic engineering, Environment / IP consultation and advisory
